Leadership, Communication, Presentation & Sales Development Blog


The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority - Ken Blanchard

Regardless of your role in an organisation, you need to persuade others to your point of view.

Being able to win people's cooperation is a critical skill for any business professional. In fact, some say leadership means the ability to influence. The good news is that influence is a skill that can be learned.

Influence requires paying attention to following seven (7) all important principles:

1. View your idea from your listener's perspective

Before you open your mouth, consider the impact of what you propose on your listeners. Will this inconvenience them? Frighten them? Cause an increase in work load?

When you see things from others perspectives you become more sensitive.

2. Look for common ground

People are less resistant when you can show them that your idea considers their way of thinking. Your idea can help them gain what is important to them.

3. Thoughtfully and logically outline what you want your listener to do

Your job is to order, clarify and intensify for your listeners.

Illustrate your message so people can see it and hear it. Resist saying too much. Follow the Rule of three (3) main ideas, not ten.
Avoid acronyms and buzz words that blur meaning. Steve Jobs said, "When ideas are simply explained, decisions are easy."

4. Demonstrate value

Show listeners why an idea is appropriate, necessary and in their best interests. What proof can you offer to show your idea is worth it?

Define and quantify benefits, not just for the organisation, but for the individual.

5. Be yourself

Be genuine, sincere, and approachable. Demonstrate openness through your body language. Pay attention to crossed arms, clenched fists, and intense facial expressions. Watch the tone of your voice. Little things matter and will be noticed.

6. Invite questions

Carefully listen. Show you really want to understand any concerns.

Listen without interrupting or talking over

Avoid patronising statements

Validate or acknowledge the other person's way of thinking. Then, find the best way to answer without being arrogant.

Be brief.

7. Inspire

Help people to believe

Passion is everything in the influence game. You can't inspire unless you are inspiring.

Feel your idea. Taste it. Passion causes a tidal wave!

Think Steve Jobs... Project a commanding presence. Look, act and sound confident.

Influencing others doesn't happen by accident. It takes carefully paying attention to what you say and how you say it.

All the best with your future business communications!

Posted in by effectivecommunication.com.au


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    Korry Hoogestegerd - National Account Manager - Vodafone

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    Jonathan Gould - Project Manager - Broad

    The learning experience has saved me much time when preparing for business presentations and given me renewed confidence to speak before a group of people

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    Michael Aquilina - National Account Manager - Philips

    ...at your advice allowing the product to speak for itself, we experienced the best outcomes we could have hoped for in terms of presentation efficiency, effectiveness and audience "buy in‟.

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