Leadership, Communication, Presentation & Sales Development Blog


Connecting with Executives doesn't happen automatically. 

Understanding what is important to them and learning how they think is of the upmost importance. 

For more than twelve (12) years that EffectiveCommunication.com.au has served multinational organisations and their leadership. Here are some of the comments Executives have shared as to how you can stand out and make a difference.

A lack of preparation is always obvious

Executives stress that preparation is critical. Their advice is to do your homework thoroughly. Understand what is going on in their world / business right now. 

Tip: Learn all you can by about the Executive leader by talking to mutual contacts, check the Internet, check for press releases or analyst reports etc

If you want to play in my sandbox, you cannot seem nervous

You must look, sound and act confident. The Executive will hesitate or delay if your body language does not back up your message.

Tip: Practice your conversation ahead. Make sure your posture is open and you lean into the table. Be sure to sustain eye contact for a full sentence or thought. Pause for a breath at the end of your thoughts. Envision your success!

Set the context for the meeting. I may have forgotten

The Executive has a lot on his or her mind. They may have forgotten the purpose of the meeting so be sure to define the issue and its impact.

Tip: Executives appreciate knowing what you ultimately want them to consider. State your "ask / outcome" upfront.

Be brief and then be gone

Executives have a lot on their minds. They run from meeting to meeting. Time is very important to them so get to the point quickly. Do not go into unnecessary details. If there is an analytical base that is necessary, email it to them in advance for review.

 Tip: Focus on what the Executive needs in order to make a decision. Have any supplemental information, charts, graphs, extra slides etc. at the ready.

More words are not an indication of more thought

Often, it is just the opposite - Keep your points simple. Do not over-talk an issue. Be very concrete and very specific. The simpler your points, the easier it is for them to make a decision.

Tip: Executives always want to know the risks and the scope of the opportunity.

I appreciate just having a conversation. I am not a fan of big slide decks

If slides are not critical, do not use them. Slides that are your speaker notes diminish your impact. The more slides you have, the more things can go horribly wrong.

Remember, anything that is on the slide is open for discussion. Your slides must tell a complete story. Executives hate when they have to dig to find the story.

Tip: Your transition statements from one slide to the next are critical. They provide context for what you are about to say.

Expect push-back

Executives don't want to make a mistake. They typically will have questions or need more information to help them decide. You should not be thrown by questions but rather view them as an opportunity to demonstrate your conviction or commitment to an idea. They are not trying to trap you or derail you.

Tip: Make a list of the questions you think the Executive will have ahead of time and determine how you will answer them.

Try to figure out what is key to the decision. That is where the bulk of the questions will come.

Making an Executive connection takes time and effort. Your Executive level conversations and presentations are a moment of truth. If you do a good job, you advance your cause and the perception of you as a leader. If you do a poor or mediocre job, you fall into the abyss.

All the best with your future business communications!

Posted in by effectivecommunication.com.au


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    Korry Hoogestegerd - National Account Manager - Vodafone

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    Jonathan Gould - Project Manager - Broad

    The learning experience has saved me much time when preparing for business presentations and given me renewed confidence to speak before a group of people

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    Michael Aquilina - National Account Manager - Philips

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    Roy Wakim - Solutions & Marketing, APAC - Avaya

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    Bob Watling - General Manager - Power & Industry - Silcar

    ...Ultimately, during the presentation our organisation gained immediate commitment with this prospect to review 2 of their sites....

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    ...I am much more able to produce improved presentations that rely less on PowerPoint and more on me delivering the message.....

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    I know some of my staff could not have presented their input on the two examples above without the preparation work EC put them through leading up to the workshop...

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