Friday, August 19, 2016
Having trained tens of thousands of people in business during the past fifteen years across different nations and cultures, our goal at (EC) is to help accelerate people's sales traction from where they are, to where they want to be!
Too many people learn sales lessons the hard way therefore, EC helps people circumnavigate the “hard way” learning curve.
The following offers some ideas that every sales professional should know, understand and apply:
1. You can learn sales
Primarily many people learn sales by observing what the best performers in their office do. Yet, typically positive sales performers constantly learn by reading books, going to training seminars and investing in their professional education.
Agreed, the best sales people have a natural pre-disposition (including the enthusiasm to learn) but any person can learn to better inform, influence and persuade others.
2. People make decisions for their reasons not yours
If you think people buy because of your sales presentation, you are on another planet
People buy because of their own selfish, personal reasons and motivations not yours. The day you work this out, you become a much better sales person immediately.
3. Talking someone into doing something that they don’t want to do is a bad idea
People that say, “I can talk anyone into buying anything” are fooling themselves and doing the world a disservice.
The main reason for this is there are some clients that you simply don’t want. Knowing when to back off and say no to clients will save your sanity and save you much frustration and grief with clients that didn't want to be there in the first place.
4. You need to natural and relaxed
You need to be cool
Having worked across dozens of industries, it's clear that those who are natural, relaxed and non-intimidating seem to sell more. When a sales person is too over the top or pushy or un-cool, clients simply will typically not buy from them.
No one talks about the "cool factor" in selling and they need to because it’s important. If you are cool and you treat people well, they will buy more from you and more often.
5. Humans have a highly tuned detector therefore, hyped up sales tactics just don't work
If you try to use hyper, cliche’d, verbatim, swag type sales tactics and language with potential clients, they will not think highly of you. And, will rarely buy from you - full stop!
In fact, If you are using a sales framework that does not sound like you because you sound and act more like the another hyper sales personality clone, people will see straight through it. You need to be congruent, genuine and sincere with what ever approach you use or you are going to struggle.
Potential clients will always detect the fake verses genuine you!
6. Momentum begets momentum
The more correct sales skills you apply, the more you will want to do so. And, the more you sell, the more you will be more likely to sell.
The secret is to get going on the correct path and do not stop
7. How to get yourself out of a rut
Call five past clients who think the sun shines out of your butt. Don't try to sell anything, simply call to catch up and ask about their worlds.
After the 5th call you will be ready for action again
8. There is a massive dichotomy when it comes to “closing"
Businesses often think their sales teams have a problem with closing. The dichotomy with closing is that it is important, but it won’t happen if you aren’t good at 'Opening'.
'Opening' means you qualified by uncovering opportunity to begin with. This starts from the very microsecond you meet a prospective client.
9. Some people don’t make decisions
They just won’t. Don’t let it drive you insane because it’s not about you it’s about them
10. People won’t move from where they are until they are uncomfortable to do so
Doesn’t matter what you sell, unless you can create a conversational environment where you expose the commercial discomfort or pain of what they already have, they simply won’t move towards buying from you, or anyone else.
11. Never think you know it all
Sales realities are constantly changing. Yesterday’s "super script" is today’s cliche - people are learning sales both buyer and seller.
You need to stay unique to survive. Get caught using the "Benjamin Franklin” close in today’s sales world and you can kiss that sale and that customer goodbye.
12. Mindset is everything
However you get mindset nailed, you can’t ignore it. It leeks out of you in everything you say, everything you write and in every neutron of your energy. You need certainty about what you sell, your company and most importantly you!
13. Technology is great but don’t become too reliant on it
As soon as you hang your hat entirely on one lead generation source you become vulnerable to it’s possible demise. Using a diverse rage of lead generation will make you and your sales efforts way less vulnerable to the bell curve of popular media.
All the best when selling!
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Business presentations Conference presentations Presentation skills training Sales presentations,
Conference presentations Presentation skills training Sales presentations
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