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If youre involved in a competitive business pitch, in addition to knowing the prospect very well and planning your pitch presentation, there is a key question you and your pitch team should be repeatedly asking yourselves, during the understanding, planning and staging process.

The question is... What Else Could We Do? (WECWD). This simply means, what else could we do, that our competitors wont do, to win this piece of business.

Small behaviours, little things that you could do, can be the difference that separates you from others on the short list.  Many times the client is unsure about whom to give the business to. Many times there is no obvious choice.

Through repeatedly asking WECWD youll come up with ideas that can tip the business your way. Some of the ideas wont be useful but through the repetitive WECWD process, your mind and the minds of your pitch team will unearth a stream of ideas. 

The repetitive process is the key. Dont ask the question just once or twice keep asking it over and over. Persist, even when you think youve exhausted all possibilities.

A story from the 1990s illustrates the power of a small idea, identified through the WECWD process, that helped win a large piece of business.

In 1995, a competitive pitch was won by a firm. The firms director asked the client why his firm won the business. The customer said something along the following lines.

There wasnt any real difference between you and your competitors. You each seemed equally capable of delivering the work. However, when you emailed us your PowerPoint slides before your pitch-day presentation, we were impressed with your technical expertise. That was the deciding factor.

Through the WECWD questioning process, this small action emerged, and was the reason the firm won the business.  At that point in time emailing PowerPoint slides was viewed as novel and technologically savvy.

An important point to note about the story is this. The other firms on the short list could have easily sent their PowerPoint slides to the prospect. But they didnt think of doing it. Perhaps they didnt persist in asking the WECWD.

Your call to action towards applying this advice is... In the next seven days try out this WECWD questioning process prior to a meeting with a potential prospect. Ask yourself, "What else could we do to make this presentation have more impact / be more relevant / be more positively memorable etc.  Notice the numerous ideas your mind generates for you.

All the best with your next pitch presentation!

Posted in , by effectivecommunication.com.au


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