Leadership, Communication, Presentation & Sales Development Blog

SALES - 9 Factors That Influence Your Sales Results

Here are 9 factors that influence your sales results…

  1. Your competitor
  2. The industry you sell in
  3. Outside factors – economy / legal / etc.
  4. Time
  5. Your customer
  6. Your customer’s customer
  7. Your customer’s competitors
  8. The products / services you sell
  9. You

Take a look at the list above and ask yourself which of the nine items impact you positively and which ones negatively?

Low-performing and even average salespeople allow each of the nine items to drive them.  They spend their time merely catching what they can.

Put in very simply terms, low-performing and average salespeople take credit for things that happen positively to them and place blame for everything else.

Example is the salesperson who happens to be in a fast-growing industry with customers that are growing even faster.

Regardless of the salesperson’s performance, they’re going to show nice numbers.   Problem is because they’re putting up nice numbers, everyone thinks they’re a great salesperson. Reality is they’re nothing more than a customer service person taking orders from business that falls into their lap.

This same salesperson is quick to place blame on their industry, their competitors or whatever else as soon as they’re not putting up good numbers anymore.  Truth is what happened is their poor performance just got exposed.

Top-performing salespeople know the same nine factors that influence the low-performing salesperson can impact them but the difference is they don’t allow it to occur.

They are pro-active in how they approach their business and they realize the biggest factor they can control is the last one, “you.”

Top-performing salespeople know it’s their skill and expertise that is going to drive their results.

They know the other eight factors are nothing more than items to be dealt with.  They’re confident in what they can do.  They approach their job with a strategic perspective and a tactical focus.

Which of the nine items above are you allowing to work against you?

No one is exempt. The items are real for everyone. The challenge is simply in how you decide to respond to them.

All the best with your sales!

Posted in by effectivecommunication.com.au


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    Korry Hoogestegerd - National Account Manager - Vodafone

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