Tuesday, April 15, 2014
3 Principles To Construct & Deliver Successful Sales Presentations
Amidst all the changes happening at present across international economies there are
a number of companies that are still maintaining growth.
Let’s look at 3 presentation principles that growing companies apply to shift buying criteria away from price during economic challenges.
1. Position Your Business As An Expert
Here's the thing...
In today's business environment, you need to position your business as an expert with your prospective client before you show up for any meeting or presentation.
The best way to do this is to educate your buyer on how to become an expert consumer of your product.
Clients don't necessarily know what to look for when purchasing. They don't know what to do when comparing competitive options.
And guess what?
The presenter that provides this type of buying information helps audiences to breathe a sigh of relief. This will immediately position your business HEAD and SHOULDERS above the majority of other providers competing with your business.
By delivering an education based presentation at the right time during a clients buying process will most definitely work in your favour.
Your presentation should be constructed in order to stimulate and impress audience ears, eyes, intellect and emotion.
Ensure your presentations offer indisputable proof your business is an absolute EXPERT in what it delivers.
During the past thirteen (13) years EffectiveCommunication.com.au (EC) has served numerous clients to construct and deliver expert presentations for a wide range of audiences. The results in many cases have been very successful. To view some success case studies, you’re welcome to visit the ‘Return on Investment’ page of our website.
Many times over the years companies have decide to work with EC and have become long term clients simply because they say we present as business communication experts based on the E-newsletters we send plus, quality of our website.
Present your business as an expert – EC has seen this principle result successfully many times for many clients, which is why we recommend your business does the same.
2. Solve A Problem… Don’t Just Present Another Product
This reads as obvious, yet continually EC works with companies and people who leave large amounts of unbanked profit on the table because they simply do not uncover the true scope of the opportunity before presenting products and services.
And what we know is this...
Presenting your business as a problem solver will alone INSTANTLY create a shift in how professional your business is perceived by your clients.
To put this bluntly, your business rises from being perceived as "just another rep selling something" to "an equal business, genuinely looking to help a client solve a problem in ways that benefits both parties".
You can not gain a much better presentation outcome than this!
3. Be More Thorough in Your Fact Finding with Companies Prior to Presenting Recommendations
This principle goes hand in glove with the previous principle.
Unless you have a pre-determined set of great questions that aim at the core of how you might help a prospective client, you will not get all the facts required to successfully serve them during your presentation.
a number of companies that are still maintaining growth.
Let’s look at 3 presentation principles that growing companies apply to shift buying criteria away from price during economic challenges.
1. Position Your Business As An Expert
Here's the thing...
In today's business environment, you need to position your business as an expert with your prospective client before you show up for any meeting or presentation.
The best way to do this is to educate your buyer on how to become an expert consumer of your product.
Clients don't necessarily know what to look for when purchasing. They don't know what to do when comparing competitive options.
And guess what?
The presenter that provides this type of buying information helps audiences to breathe a sigh of relief. This will immediately position your business HEAD and SHOULDERS above the majority of other providers competing with your business.
By delivering an education based presentation at the right time during a clients buying process will most definitely work in your favour.
Your presentation should be constructed in order to stimulate and impress audience ears, eyes, intellect and emotion.
Ensure your presentations offer indisputable proof your business is an absolute EXPERT in what it delivers.
During the past thirteen (13) years EffectiveCommunication.com.au (EC) has served numerous clients to construct and deliver expert presentations for a wide range of audiences. The results in many cases have been very successful. To view some success case studies, you’re welcome to visit the ‘Return on Investment’ page of our website.
Many times over the years companies have decide to work with EC and have become long term clients simply because they say we present as business communication experts based on the E-newsletters we send plus, quality of our website.
Present your business as an expert – EC has seen this principle result successfully many times for many clients, which is why we recommend your business does the same.
2. Solve A Problem… Don’t Just Present Another Product
This reads as obvious, yet continually EC works with companies and people who leave large amounts of unbanked profit on the table because they simply do not uncover the true scope of the opportunity before presenting products and services.
And what we know is this...
Presenting your business as a problem solver will alone INSTANTLY create a shift in how professional your business is perceived by your clients.
To put this bluntly, your business rises from being perceived as "just another rep selling something" to "an equal business, genuinely looking to help a client solve a problem in ways that benefits both parties".
You can not gain a much better presentation outcome than this!
3. Be More Thorough in Your Fact Finding with Companies Prior to Presenting Recommendations
This principle goes hand in glove with the previous principle.
Unless you have a pre-determined set of great questions that aim at the core of how you might help a prospective client, you will not get all the facts required to successfully serve them during your presentation.
All the best with your sales presentations!
Posted in
Business presentations Conference presentations Facilitating meetings Presentation skills training Public speaking Sales presentations
by effectivecommunication.com.au
Thursday, April 3, 2014
In our last
blog published for you we highlighted 5 principles that leaders do that
manager only think about.
The following shares 6 more principles that leaders do:
6. Leaders know their greatest asset is their people.
It’s not the product they make or the service they provide that allows them to succeed.
Leaders know there will always be competitors seeking to take their business. Leaders know the only true advantage they have is their people, and as a result, they continually invest in their people.
7. Leaders know they’re being watched and measured, not just on what they do in public, but what they do in private as well.
It’s easy to do the right thing when everyone is watching, but leaders know what they do away from the front-line of their organization impacts how they act when they are on the front-line.
They know other people are watching them in all scenarios.
8. Leaders know goals without plans are worthless.
Leaders plan, but they don’t just plan — they act on their plans. At the same time, they know their focus is not on the plan, but also on the goal. Therefore, they know that plans may have to be modified.
9. Leaders don’t talk about having integrity. They live it.
The leader who talks about having integrity is the last person to have it.
People who have integrity don’t walk around telling others they have it. People know the leader has integrity because they see it in the leader’s actions. Their integrity is what anchors them and allows others to believe and place value in them.
10. Leaders continually learn
Leaders know things change and, therefore, they must be continually learning. Leaders never end a day without having learned something new. They do this by approaching everything as a learning opportunity.
11. Leaders know it starts with them
Leaders realize this not from a sense of ego, but from a sense of understanding they have to walk the talk. They know in this era of 24/7 where every action is noticed, the easiest way to lose respect is by attempting to be somebody they’re not.
Is this the entire list things great leaders do that managers only think about? No, yet following 15 years of conference speaking and training we at EffectiveCommunication.com.au have watched and have worked with thousands of managers and leaders and therefore believe this short list of principles hits the mark in many regards.
All the best with your leadership!
Posted in
Business presentations Conference presentations Facilitating meetings Presentation skills training Public speaking Sales presentations
by effectivecommunication.com.au