Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Everyone wants to be influential when in front of a client, a boss or even peers.
For many people in business, being persuasive is like rolling dice, where sometimes things go great, but, at other times, we wish for a "do-over."
Those who are known as powerful, motivating communicators do a number of things and they do them consistently.
Imitate what these are and you too will be influential.
They are clear on their goal
They don't go into a meeting with only a vague idea of what they want to accomplish. They have the end game in mind at all times. They don't deviate.
They understand their audience
They know each group is different. By analysing their audience ahead of time, they discuss what is important to them and come armed with proof.
They anticipate resistance
Great presenters are prepared with relevant data, facts and examples. They have hidden slides at the ready.
They listen well
They acknowledge the other person's point of view and show respect at all points in time.
They directly link key points to benefits
Obviously, people want to know how an idea helps them or the business. Influential communicators connect the dots. They clearly and logically state what people can expect as a result of taking or not taking their suggested action.
They speak simply
Influential communicators work hard to explain complex ideas in terms anyone can understand. They use analogies, similes and metaphors when necessary.
They ask for what they want
No one leaves a meeting wondering what has to be done. They are specific about "what and when."
They are animated
Their voice is louder, their gestures bigger, all in an attempt to gain and hold attention. No one would ever describe them as other than enthusiastic.
They are authentic
They don't appear rigid or memorised. These genuine presenters smile, laugh and often weave in information about themselves to show that they are transparent.
They have strong relationships
Others like them. Because of the strength of these relationships, people more readily trust and believe them.
Influencing others is achieved through hard work. Those that are successful prepare well and demonstrate their belief in their ideas through their voice and body language. They are well liked, clear and logical.
All the best with your future presentations!!!
Posted in
Business presentations Conference presentations Facilitating meetings Presentation skills training Public speaking Sales presentations