Monday, December 1, 2014
You might be aware (EC) has offices in both Asia Pacific & Americas serving international clients and this week in North America most people's attention is focused on Thanksgiving.
As Americans invest this time to pause, reflect and be thankful for all the good they have, why not do the same wherever you are geographically, wherever you work and whoever you work with!
Here are 10 reasons why you can be thankful for the job you have
1. Can you imagine how you would feel if you didn’t have a job?
2. Regardless of whether or not you like your job, you are getting paid.
3. You have far more impact on the people you come in contact with than you will ever know.
4. The people you work with are an amazing group of people from whom you can learn new things each day. And, if you don't like your colleagues much, you can always learn what NOT to do from their negatives.
5. Count it a privilege to be able to use your talent and skills on a regular basis.
6. Be thankful, as there are far too many people who have no job and no means to make an income.
7. You are serving as a role-model and influence not only to those you provide for, but also to others who you don’t know and may never know.
8. The mental stimulation and physical exercise you get each day regardless of what your job might be is helping keep you engaged and feeling young.
9. You have the ability to dream and have the means to help fulfill your dreams.
10. You have the ability to prepare for the future and be ready for it
Regardless of your employment situation you can always choose to be thankful for what you do have.
All the best this Thanksgiving!
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